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Zone controllers

Controllers are used to automate the management of air distribution, flows, and to manage responses to temperature, humidity, flow and other sensors embedded in a SVPro solution.  Each with varying capabilities and complexity, the appropriate zone controller is available for each application.

SolarVenti SControl
Humidity and temperature

For measuring relative air humidity and temperature

  • Measurement in the entire range between 0 ... 100%rF

  • Temperature resistant from -70°C to +180°C (depending on the type of probe)

  • Pressure resistant up to 100 bar (depending on the type of probe)

  • Sturdy metal case, protection class IP 65

  • Outstanding precision and stability

  • Graphic trend display and measured value history for the previous year

  • Traceability to NIST

  • As an option also available with calculation and display of dew point/frost point temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, wet bulb temperature, enthalpy, volume concentration, water saturated vapor pressure and differential temperature

Single and multi-point zone controllers.  Humidity and temperature transducers.  SolarVenti SControl.

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